Today I went to Target and a thrift store and got some of the items I will be needing while over in Paris. I got black flats, shampoo and conditioner, French press and ground coffee. I am such a coffee addict I am taking a French press with me! I don't want to spend a few dollars everyday for this addiction, but spend that money else where like on gifts for my lovely friends that I am leaving behind for a few weeks. Now time for a quick French lesson!
Hello Bonjour
How are you? Comment Ca va?
Good Bien.
Goodbye Au revoir!
Good Night Bonne nuit.
Coffee with Milk Cafe au lait
Thank you! Merci
Sorry, excuse me Desole, excusez-moi.
I don't understand. Je ne comprends pas.
Historical sites Les sites historiques
Flea Market Le marche aux puces
I love you! Je t'aime!
Alright. Time for bed!
Bonne nuit!
I'm so jealous you're going. Please bring me a souvenir back please! :)